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Execute an agent

Introduced 2.12

This is an experimental feature and is not recommended for use in a production environment. For updates on the progress of the feature or if you want to leave feedback, see the associated GitHub issue.

When an agent is executed, it runs the tools with which it is configured.

Path and HTTP methods

POST /_plugins/_ml/agents/<agent_id>/_execute

Request fields

The following table lists the available request fields.

Field Data type Required/Optional Description
parameters Object Required The parameters required by the agent.
parameters.verbose Boolean Optional Provides verbose output.

Example request

POST /_plugins/_ml/agents/879v9YwBjWKCe6Kg12Tx/_execute
  "parameters": {
    "question": "what's the population increase of Seattle from 2021 to 2023"

Example response

  "inference_results": [
      "output": [
          "result": """ Based on the given context, the key information is:

The metro area population of Seattle in 2021 was 3,461,000.
The metro area population of Seattle in 2023 is 3,519,000.

To calculate the population increase from 2021 to 2023:

Population in 2023 (3,519,000) - Population in 2021 (3,461,000) = 58,000

Therefore, the population increase of Seattle from 2021 to 2023 is 58,000."""
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